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Fill in as much information as you can about the vessel transfer below. If you don't like filling out forms, give us a call at 1-855-Yacht-Docs (1-855-922-4836) and a real life person will fill in the blanks for you. Or, click in the bottom-right to chat with us for assistance.
As of January 2022, new Certificates of Documentation will be valid for 5 years, instead of requiring renewal every year. The NVDC's filing fees have increased to reflect the 5-year registration period. Recreational vessels will receive one COD which will be good through 2027. Commercial vessels will receive a new COD annually for 5 years.
Once you're done, we will process your forms and e-mail them to you for your signature and notarization. You can print out the documents yourself, or e-sign and e-notarize with us free of charge- your choice!
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